Koru 5 
Imatra, Finlândia
de 07 a 08 Ago


The triennial event gives the opportunity to submerge in established and internationally known artist´s talks, but most importantly to engage in dialogue with one another.

Artist list

Ulla Ahola, Monika Brugger, Daniela Hedman, Hanna Joris, Emmi Maijanen, Edgar Mosa, Karen Pontoppidan, Shu-Lin Wu, Jyrki Siukonen, Terhi Tolvanen
Seminar program contains artist lectures and expert lectures in related fields. The loose frame around these two days is about identity of an artist, gender, relatonship to the prosess of making and tools, research and skill. Speakers:

Karen Pontoppidan (DK/DE), professor in Munich Art Academy, jewellery artist
Lecture topic: jewellery and gender

Jyrki Siukonen (FI), PhD, researcher, artist
Lecture topic: philosophy of tools

Hanna Joris (BE), PhD, jewelry artist
Lecture topic: making Phd as jewellery artist

Ulla Ahola, (FI), jewelry artist
Lecture topic: artist talk

Daniela Hedman (SE), jewellery artist
Lecture topic: artist talk

Edgar Mosa (PT/US), jewellery artist, writer
Lecture topic: Creative Patriotisms

Monika Brugger (FR), jewellery artist, curator, teacher
Lecture topic: artist talk

Terhi Tolvanen (FI/FR), jewellery artist
Lecture topic: artist talk

Emmi Maijanen (FI), project head, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
Lecture topic: What business professionals and engineers can learn from artists?

Shu-Lin Wu (TW), jewellery artist
Lecture topic: artist talk

Seminar will take place in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Linnala Campus, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland.

Seminários, inscreva-se aqui.


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